Saturday, January 14, 2017

The craziness that we call life

Since this is my first blog post, I thought I should tell my readers (all 3 of you) a little bit about myself and my family.

I am a 40-something stay at home Mom of 7 kids, 3 that I gave birth to and 4 that I claim as my own. I have a pretty awesome hubby and my Furbaby, Princess Raven. Only four of the kids are still at home, their ages range from 10-14. Bubba-Head is 14, The Selfie Queen is also 14, No they are not twins, there is 3 months between them.  The Drama Princess is 12 and Buddy Boy is 10.

The almost teen and teenager stages are the ones that SUCK most days but I am grateful for that fact that I no longer have to change diapers...  I absolutely LOVE my children. They are what has kept me going over the years BUT they are all driving me INSANE.

We are a blended family as you can tell from the ages of the kids. It's hard to deal with all the personalities of everyone daily but we work hard to create "Our New Normal".

My hubby and I have known each other since 2nd grade.  We semi-dated in Middle School, in fact I was his first kiss 💋 We remained good friends through to graduation then we lost track of each other for 20+ years.  Thanks to Facebook for reuniting us.  We started dating Sept 2014, In the last 2 1/2  years we've accomplished a lot. We got engaged, moved, got married and bought a house. Whew, yeah that will cause anyone to go grey quickly (not that I needed anymore help in that department)

The two older kids (Bubba-Head and The Selfie Queen) are my easiest to deal with, they are happy to stay in their rooms and only come out for food (unless the internet goes out, if that happens then The World is Coming to an End).. The youngest two (The Drama Princess and Buddy Boy) are the ones who are causing all my hair to fall out.  I love all my children equally, although my Furbaby is definitely my Favorite. She doesn't talk back or roll her eyes. She is just happy to let me love on her.

I was lucky to have some awesome parents. Unfortunately both of my parents have passed away. There are days when I would give anything to be able to talk to my Mom and get advice. My Mom wished the ultimate "Mother's Curse" on me for sure.  Which explains the attitude I get from The Drama Princess daily.  I know I was bad a teenager and she is positively 10 times worse then I ever thought about being.

The name of this Blog comes from my Mom.  When I was that crappy teenager that always had an attitude and condescending tone I would say things like "Yes MOTHER" or "No MOTHER" and Mom said "Dont call me MOTHER, it sounds too much like Bitch" I deal with the "MOTHER" attitude a lot with the kids and remind them of this saying quite often.

I hope you all enjoy reading this and please leave comments or suggestions for ways to me improve this blog.  I will be posting recipes and cleaning tips as we go along. Plus giving you more of a look into my crazy life with all these kids.  Blessings to one and all.    



  1. Love it!!!!!!
    I think I can remember your mom saying that!!!! Lol

  2. Well this looks like it might be fun. Can't wait for more. When you said drama queen I first thought you were talking about yourself. Then I said Oh wait...she grew up, it must be her baby girl'. Laughing loudly. Love you aunt jenny

  3. This is a great one too. Love that explanation for the name. It reminds me again of my mom and how sometimes I will call her by her name. She looks me in the eye, every time, and says, "My name is Mom to you."
